Attendance Notifications are made for the safety of your child. Attendance notifications are sent when your student is marked absent from school. If you know your child will be absent from school because he/she is home sick or has an appointment for the day, please provide written documentation, preferably by email, regarding absences. If you are unable to send an email please send a written note with your child upon their return. Eanes ISD will not accept phone calls to clear an absence.
Parents must provide written notice, within 5 school days of the absence, to the school office. Any written or emailed notes received after the allowed 5 days will be accepted, but noted as late and the absence will not be adjusted.
To see your child's attendance record, please check Skyward Family Access.
- Your student's academic success is in direct relation to their attendance
- State law requires a student to be in attendance 90% of the time to receive credit for a course
- School districts do receive funding for each day a student is in attendance
What is an Absence?
Please see the School Handbook for questions regarding absences.
2024-25 Eanes ISD Attendance Updates
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, absences in Eanes ISD will be coded as Funded or Unfunded. Eanes ISD receives approximately $53 per day per student for students either attending school or having a funded reason for being absent. This revenue, called Average Daily Attendance, accounts for 81% of our operating budget. Eanes ISD loses approximately $1 million per year due to unfunded absences.
Previously in Eanes ISD, funded reasons for being absent were coded as Excused absences. Starting in the 2024-25 school year, these absences will now be coded as Funded. Funded absences are defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and outlined below. Unfunded absences are any other absences not specifically described.
There are often valid reasons for Unfunded absences, and parents are strongly encouraged to provide documentation and communicate with the school around any absence. This documentation can be factored into discussions around school district attendance processes including determining grades and course credit, truancy, chronic absenteeism and final exam exemption considerations at the high school level. However, the attendance code of Documented will no longer be used starting in the 2024-25 school year.